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Are you going to work as a coach with the unique voice assessment from Voice Your Future?

Voice Your Future now offers coaches the opportunity to use the unique voice assessment for their coachees. This highly innovative and validated voice assessment is extremely suitable as a baseline measurement for coaching programs.

We provide a very comprehensive and objective personality report based on proven models. All the coachee needs to do is count from 1 to about 100 in our advanced app.

Read more about our certification training and starter packages in the next step.

Your unique journey to insight: step by step

Choose the voice assessment that suits you

Enter your details and pay online

Within 24 hours, you will receive the unique code and detailed instructions for downloading and using our ‘Voice Your Future’ app.

Complete the voice assessment.

Receive your personal voice report.

Please note, if you choose an online consultation, you will first receive a link to our schedule and will receive your report after the online session.


Buy this assessment Buy this assessment
  • Comprehensive information about your personality
  • Comprehensive information about your self-image
  • Which work environment suits you best
  • Which learning style/work style suits you
  • How do you score on 29 competencies?
  • Which professions suit you?
  • Price

    € 75

  • Online consultation 30-45 min

    € 50